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Tuesday 20 February 2018


Hey there tangling friends!

I recently found a Zentangle picture of mine from three years ago and realised that drawing is now an integral part of my life. I rarely go more than a day of not tangling, and if I do, I feel that something is missing. My stress and anxiety levels also go up if I haven't put pen to paper. 

Sometimes, though, even trying to think of patterns to draw and where to start on the page is too much. I have been inspired by various artists and my need for something so simple that it requires absolutely no thought. Just lines. Nothing else. No need to decide on patterns, colours, paper or pens. Just pick up my usual 0.1mm Staedtler Pigment Liner, whatever paper is close by and then one stroke at a time - calming my mind, steadying my body and anchoring me in the present. I find I can become completely absorbed in the lines, blocking out all worries and allowing me space to breathe. Sometimes I decide to draw out a design and then fill it in with lines. Sometimes I just start in the middle of a page with no expectations. Sometimes I start with a Zengem and see what develops.

I have been drawing this way for a few months, especially during December, which I always find extremely stressful. I also find shading the lines very calming. Here are some examples...

Here's the link to my Pinterest board with lots of inspiration - ZenLining Board

Here's a link to one of my favourite artists - Roan Tjon Fo


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Wholehearted Creations. I am new to Zentangle, relatively, and am mesmerized by your Zenlining creations. I googled zen lining in hopes to find some information as to how it is done but nothing came up. Is this new or can you direct me to any information on how it is done?

    Thank you,

    1. Hi Rosa, thanks for your kind words. Zenlining was a name I made up because a lot of it isn’t Zentangle patterns. Some of them have a few patterns in, like Mallow, Ropes, Joki, Ta Da and Abundies. I have a Pinterest board with some ideas on and I’d recommend Instagram artists @rootje23 and @yoldiesamere, who do some amazing line work. The links are above, at the bottom of the blog post 👆🏻
      Here’s the link to my instagram page ...
